Reversing Page Order in Adobe Acrobat

Here is a very useful trick that I found today and want to share.

Create a file called “Reversepageorder.js” your Acrobat Javascipt Folder (C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 9.0AcrobatJavascripts).  Put the following in it:

app.addMenuItem({ cName: “Reverse”, cParent: “Document”, cExec: “PPReversePages();”, cEnable: “event.rc = ( != null);”, nPos: 0

function PPReversePages()
var t = app.thermometer;
t.duration = this.numPages;
for (i = this.numPages – 1; i >= 0; i–)
t.value = (i-this.numPages)*-1;
t.text = ‘Moving page ‘ + (i + 1);
}// JavaScript Document


Restart Acrobat.

The Reverse option will be under the Document menu.

One thought on “Reversing Page Order in Adobe Acrobat”

  1. The Document menu is no longer present in Adobe 11. For Adobe 11, the following JavaScipt will add an option to the “File” menu to reverse the page order:

    app.addMenuItem({ cName: “Reverse Page Order”, cParent: “File”, cExec: “PPReversePages();”, cEnable: “event.rc = ( != null);”, nPos: 0


    function PPReversePages()


    var t = app.thermometer;

    t.duration = this.numPages;


    for (i = this.numPages – 1; i >= 0; i–)


    t.value = (i-this.numPages)*-1;


    t.text = ‘Moving page ‘ + (i + 1);



    }// JavaScript Document

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